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using bits and pieces game to improve students writing skill on descriptive texts
(A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade of MTs Darul Mujahadah Prupuk-Margasari-Tegal in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor Program of English Language Education of Tarbiyah Faculty of Walisongo State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Walisongo), 2010.
Keywords: Writing Skills, Descriptive Text, Bits and Pieces game, Students Improvement.
Learning English involves the mastery of four language skill. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The seventh grades students of MTs Darul Mujahadah get difficulties to make good writing especially writing descriptive text which involved in genre. Almost of them get difficulties to understand descriptive text. In this research, the researcher used Bits and Pieces game to improve students writing skill on descriptive text. The researcher used game because it is one of teaching techniques to solve students difficulties in writing descriptive text. The objectives of this study are:
(1) To describe the implementation of Bits and Pieces game to improve students writing skill on descriptive texts
(2) To identify the improvement of students writing skill on descriptive texts after being taught using Bits and Pieces game.
The study was conducted at MTs Darul Mujahadah Prupuk-Margasari-Tegal. The number of the subjects was 26 students. This research is classroom action research. It was done through three cycles. The researcher used observation checklist, documentation and test to collect thee data. The researcher used descriptive quantitative to analyze the data. Statistic analysis is used to analyze the data about the result of observation checklist and the result of test on descriptive text.
Result of the study shows that by using Bits and Pieces game can improve students writing skill on descriptive texts at the seventh grades of MTs Darul Mujahadah in the academic year of 2010-2011. The criteria of writing assessment involve; content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. This successful can be seen from the result of students average score and good responses by students. The result after getting all of the treatment using Bits and Pieces game, the students average score increased in line with the increase of the students achievement in each cycle. Students average score from the pre cycle was 46.71, first cycle was 51.41, second cycle was 63.83 and third cycle was 65.48.
Finally the result of this study showed that students writing on descriptive texts improved in each cycle after they were taught by using Bits and Pieces game. It was singed by their improvements of each test result.
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