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This thesis discusses the effectiveness of using basic questioning with picture to improve the students descriptive writing skill. The background of the study is the students often face difficulties in writing descriptive texts, so the writer wants to help the students to write a descriptive text well by using basic questioning with picture. The study is aimed at responding the question: How is the effectiveness of using basic questioning with picture to improve the students descriptive writing skill? The topic is discussed through the experimental research at the seventh grade of SMP N 31 Semarang in the academic year of 2011/2012. Class VII E and VII F are used as the data source to find out the effectiveness of using basic questioning with picture to improve the students descriptive writing skill. The data is gathered through test and docummentation. In taking the sample, the writer used simple random sampling technique. Class VII E was chosen as experimental class who were taught writing descriptive text using basic questioning with picture and class VII F as control class who were taught writing descriptive text without using basic questioning with picture. The instrument used to collect the data was writing test or essay test. The assessment of the test result was focused on the five elements of writing (contents, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic).The technique to analyze the data was t-test formula. It was used to determine whether there is or there is not a significant difference between the average score of the experimental and the control class. The average of post- test of experiment class was 71.17 which were higher than the average of post test of the control class 57.83. Based on the calculation result of t-test is obtained tcount (8.581) was higher than the ttable (1.67). Since the tcount was higher than ttable, the hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is a significant difference in writing skill improvement between students who are taught writing descriptive text by using basic questioning with picture and those who are taught by lecturing ( without basic questioning with picture).Based on the result of this research, the writer suggests that basic questioning with picture may be used as alternative technique in teaching writing especially in teaching writing descriptive text, in order that the students are able to write more easily and more interesting in writing activity.
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