Thursday, August 29, 2013

Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Gratis tentang Table-Chart

Download Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Gratis tentang Table-Chart

Judul Skripsi

The Effectiveness of Using Table-Chart as a Medium in Teaching Simple Future Tense (An Experimental Research with the Eighth Graders of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).


The Background of this study is based on phenomenon that most English learners especially in MTs AL-ASROR faced difficulties on mastering Simple Future Tense. The students felt difficulties on mastering the material caused the teacher tend to teach them classically. So that, the researcher used Table-Chart as a medium in teaching Simple Future Tense for the eighth grade students of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang.

This study is an Experimental research. The statement of the problem in this study is how is the effectiveness of Table-Chart as a Medium in Teaching Simple Future for the eighth graders of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011? The objective of this study is to find out the effectiveness of using Table-Chart as a medium in teaching Simple Future Tense for the eighth graders of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011.

The population of this research was the eighth grade students of MTs AL-ASROR Semarang which consists of 220 students and divided into six classes. Sampling technique is used by researcher is cluster random sampling where the experimental class (VIII A) and control class (VIII B) as sample. The VIII A was taught by using Table-Chart, while the VIII B was taught without Table-Chart (just conventional teaching). The writer gave objective grammar test of Simple Future Tense to gather the data. The test had been tried out to find out the validity, reliability, difficulty level, and discriminating power before it was used to gather the data. The formula that was used to analyze the data was t-test. It was used to determine whether there was a significance difference between students scores in experimental class and students scores in control class or not.

After the data had been collected by using test, it was found that the pre-test average of the experimental group was 57.75 and control group was 57.00. While, the post-test average of the experimental group was 77.50 and control group was 67.25. The obtained t-test was 7.10, whereas the t-table was 1.98 for alpha ( ) 5%. The result of t-test score was higher than t-table (7.10 > 1.98). It was meant that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. Since t-test score was higher than the t-table, Table-Chart was effective medium in improving students grammar achievement of Simple Future Tense in Madrasah Tsanawiyah AL-ASROR Gunungpati Semarang in the academic year of 2010/ 2011. Finally the writer suggests to the teachers that they should use Table-Chart as a medium in teaching Simple Future Tense.

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