Skripsi Bahasa inggris Tentang Speaking Gratis
In learning speaking skill, the students often find some problems. The problem frequently found is that their native language causes them difficult to use the foreign language. Other reason is because of motivation lack to practice the second language in daily conversation. They are also too shy and afraid to take part in the conversation. Many factors can cause the problem of the students speaking skills namely the students interest, the material, and the media among others including the technique in teaching English. Many techniques can be applied including role play because many research findings say that this technique is effective to use in teaching speaking.
Role play is very important in teaching speaking because it gives students an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and in different social roles. In addition, it also allows students to be creative and to put themselves in another persons place for a while. According to Stephen D. Hattings based on his observation in the conversation class, the role play would seem to be the ideal activity in which students could use their English creatively and it aims to stimulate a conversation situation in which students might find themselves and give them an opportunity to practice and develop their communication skill.
For these reasons, the writer is interested in analyzing the use of role play in teaching speaking for the students of the ninth grade in Islamic Junior High School Soebono Mantofani Jombang-Ciputat, Tangerang. She also wants to know the advantages and the problems encountered by learners and teachers in using it.
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